Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Because I cannot sleep....

Because he cannot sleep, Brad brings you the Top 10 people he'd most like to have dinner with...

#10. & #9. - Seth Mcfarlane and Billy West.

Because seriously, how awesome would it be to interview Peter Griffin, Philip Fry, Bryan the dog, Dr Zoidberg, Stewie Griffin, and Professor Farnsworth, and Zapp Branigan, ALL AT THE SAME TIME?? Yeah thats what I thought.

#8. Billy joe Armstrong.

My Hero. Green Day frontman, egotistical maniac. Thats ok. The man is a living God, and he's very aware of it.

#7. Zack Braff.

I'd love to ask that jerk what it's like to be the LUCKIEST man im America. I mean seriously, Gift shop girl? Tara Reid? Mandy Moore??? The man has kissed everyone.... Garden State = ownage.

#6. FDR.

Franklin Roosevelt, what in the hell were you thinking about? Awesome stuff, delivering this young nation, etc, into modern times. The man would be a wealth of information.

#5. Jesus.

I know, #5??Thats ok....Forgiveness is all part of the package. (I might invite Dan Brown to attend, you know, to keep everyone honest. )

#4 and #3. Dirk and Mike Modano.

Total personal preference here. Because I love them. Cue the Brokeback mountain music, I've got some man crushes to deal with....

#2. Bill Clinton.

Quite possibly the biggest idiot of my ENTIRE generation, what a great interview this could be. (WHat do you mean by could?) (what do you mean by be?)......Bill you dog!


In all of history, I have narrowed it down to ONE PERSON....

after careful consideration, I have tried to find the one person who's crazy ass life has really transcended the ages, etc....and of course the person deserving an interview most...

I couldnt come up with anyone.... I mean really, some people are just spares, Shakespeare, Galileo, etc....

And seeing as how this is a Sports blog....

We'll pick Charles F%^&cking Barkley. Because lately there's no one who needs to answer for his sins more....


yeah right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
