Friday, September 29, 2006

Another Hockey Blog????

The Stars Give Brenden Morrow the 'C'

Or did the take it away from Mike Modano?

When I first heard this today I said, "Ok, no big deal. Modano probably wants to help out and he's ok with it."

(Actually my first though was, "damn, now I have to get my jersey changed with a 'c' instead of the 'a')

But then I heard General Manager Doug Armstrong on the radio today, and he basically said that Mike might have his feelings bent out of shape a little bit, but this is the way it is. What? I'm sorry, I love Brenden Morrow...

I mean I really love him.

But if Mike Modano's game suffers in the least bit this season, if any hard feelings develop, if any locker room problems start to seep out onto the ice, I am going to personally hunt down Doug Armstrong and give him a piece of my mind.

Geez this should be a happy day..... I dont know. This makes me uneasy. I know Army and Tipp are concerned about the future...but I'm concerned about wed in Colorado, and the first 5 games of the season on the road.

Just be cool Mike. It's all good. You're still the best player on the team.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you really love him? (Like really? because I'm not cool with that) :)