Sunday, June 04, 2006

Best in the West. Mavs take game 6.

"Dirk I'm so sorry, you should've been the MVP...."

Mavs win 102-93

The Mavericks are sooo good. It's hard for me to say that, being a serial pessimist. But man, any team that can take the kind of beating the Suns started to give them and then just say, "well I think we're going to play some shut-down defense now, and just go ahead and win the game after that, if thats ok with you?" is a team that is just soooo good.

And so now we can write in the Suns yearbook, "Hope you have a cool summer, see ya next year."

Reasons why the Mavs take it in 6:

-Dirk, Germany, Rhineland, der fuhrer, stop me if I get carried away....

-Josh Howard continues to be a quiet dominating presence. I dont know how you can be quiet and dominating at the same time, but man he does it.

-Tim Thomas is a spare

-The Suns played 20 playoff games, and all that "tired" talk turned out to be right, Nash was making bonehead decisions and trying to chase the Jet all over the floor.

-Diops' defensive presence and rebounding was HUGE. So was Griff.

-Stackhouse finally came out and did more good than bad. Love you Stack.

-k. Van Horn played 4 minutes. Good job Avery.

-Avery Johnson is a genius. These guys really listen to him. He is responsible for all of this.

Go Mavs. Beat Miami. Mavs in 6?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

6?? get our your broom